The year is coming to a close and what a strange yet memorable year it has been at that! To quote one of the brothers Drew, this year has been "crackers"!
We are completely overwhelmed from all of your support this year more than ever, and are forever grateful to our loyal customers and our new ones! Even though it has been the toughest and most terrible year for job security, the economy, hospitality and so on, we have managed through with the help from you all.
Spirits are understandably low this Christmas, especially for all of the unlucky people in the UK, including ourselves who have gone into Tier 4 this past weekend. However, this year for Griffiths Brothers, the spirits on our shelves multiplied with all of our new launches that have been so well received. It truly has been brilliant to see your love for our new Nine Tails Rum line which launched in November, as well as our brilliantly popular Limited Edition Mosquito Gin earlier in the year. Moreover, our Sloe Gin, Autumn Spice and Damson Gin have been a great hit so far this season, not to mention our GinHandTonic's, our gin based hand sanitisers which we donated to NHS workers and frontline staff during the shortage in Lockdown 1.0.
Thank you all so much for your support, we cannot wait to to show you what we've been working on for the new year! However you may be celebrating the festive season this year, we hope you have a very Merry Christmas and a cracking New Year. We can say without a doubt that we cannot wait to welcome the new year and say a loud goodbye to this weird one, toasted with a glass of Griffiths Brothers in hand.
From all of us here at Griffiths Brothers, thanks and cheers!